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The Virtual Reality Cafe
The Original VR Cafe
Experience the greatest moon exploration simulation ever created!

Get closer to the moon than ever before.  Explore the Taurus Littrow valley near the Apollo 17 landing site using the lunar rover.  Moon surfaces reconstructed from lunar data.  This is the most detailed and realistic way to see what it was like to be on the moon.
  1. Managing Director
    Apollo 17 Landing Site
  2. Managing Director
    Moonbuggy VR
  3. Managing Director
    Rover with LEM
The Moonbuggy Virtual Reality Simulator Documentary

Relive the dream of exploring the moon in realistic detail

Real-Moon - Realisticaly recreated lunar surface from LRO photos and height data.  New height map algorithms to generate details.  Photogrammetry from lunar surface photos for a up-close in your face Real-Moon experience.
Drive the Lunar Rover around key sites the Apollo 17 astronauts visited in the Taurus Littrow valley miles away from their lunar lander.
Walk on foot to visit the majestic vistas and examine the moon surface in never before seen detail.